Wow Jim - you have written this with palpable zest! Electric, succinct, direct writing. Thanks so much, a pleasure to read.
The crux of the issue, IMO, is based on Jonathan Haidt's excellent book - The Righteous Mind: We are essentially intuition-driven information processors, constantly scanning the world around us, morally interpreting information and colouring narratives with our unique worldview. We readily allow intuition to lead us and then use our rationality to come up with evidence to support our beliefs - the absolute arse-backward way it should be.
I'd really appreciate if you could read my article and feedback - the parallels between your take for WHY logic & intuiion are at loggerheads and HOW our brains are literally wired to be this way according to Haidt, are uncanny.
I've also broken down our innate logistical fallacies from "Factfulness": Doubt is good, scepticism is healthy, and data is factful. I'd again love it if you could take a look and feedback!