The Opportunity Cost Of Buying A Home Today Is Astronomical.

That’s why millennials won’t own anything but stay happy.

Embracing Discomfort.
2 min readSep 1, 2024
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Let’s get real: buying a home today is a financial sinkhole. We praise previous generations for their picket fences and mortgage payoffs, but the truth? The economics of owning a home are a bad joke for today’s buyers.

Buying a house now means throwing a chunk of your savings into a down payment – only to end up with a heavily leveraged asset that’s mostly riding on hype, not value. You’re paying through the nose for something that doesn’t even deliver beyond basic shelter. It’s not just the down payment; it’s the maintenance, the property taxes, and the never-ending costs that bleed you dry.

And for what? A measly return that’s often outpaced by inflation or completely undermined if the government decides to flood the market with new builds. Your house is tied to a stagnant growth rate, vulnerable to the whims of policy and market saturation.

Meanwhile, younger generations aren’t playing by the old rules. They’re not throwing everything into overpriced real estate. Instead, they’re parking their money in assets that actually move – think Bitcoin, think tech stocks. Assets that don’t need mowing, repairing, or repointing. Assets that can’t be diluted overnight by some…

