The Consistency Conundrum

Or why does discipline suck ass.

Embracing Discomfort.
2 min readJul 1, 2024
Photo by Martin Péchy on Unsplash

Consistency feels like a mythical beast, doesn’t it?

One moment, I’m on top of the world after a single rep, feeling invincible. I vow to repeat the magic, hit harder, dig deeper. But come sunrise, that fiery mojo fizzles into thin air. Why do the victories that promise so much in the heat of the moment vanish by morning? And how do I chain these fleeting sparks into a continuous blaze?

Here’s where discipline steps into the spotlight — the purest form of self-love.

Think of it as an algorithm of self-command: a series of ‘if-then’ statements etched into my psyche, driving me forward. These aren’t random commands; they align perfectly with my grand ‘why’ — that overarching vision distilled into daily tasks that might seem dull but are absolutely crucial.

The truth is, discipline is tough.

Comfort is seductive, luring you into a soft, silent surrender. Yet, discipline is how you honour your promises to yourself. If you can’t trust your own word, who will? If your dreams truly matter, how can you not fight for them every day, even when the grind gets monotonous?

Enduring the mundane for a grander goal is the backbone of monumental achievements. It’s about treading the path less travelled, where…

