Stop Watching the News!

It’s designed to keep you under control.

Embracing Discomfort.
2 min readOct 9, 2024
Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash

They’re not incompetent – they know exactly what they’re doing.

Let’s be clear about where we are first though: the news is actively selling you a distorted version of reality. It’s not just incompetence; it’s calculated control. They’re spinning headlines to yank your attention, push fear, and manipulate your mind. I stopped watching the news years ago and guess what? My life is better without their crap. Let me tell you why.

Take a look at what passes for news today – constant outrage, endless fear. Headlines scream “World War III Is Here” or “Markets About to Collapse!” Ever notice how every other week there’s some “doomsday clock” ticking down? Because fear keeps you glued to the screen. People in panic? They check in daily, making advertisers richer by the minute. This obsession with disaster generates cash – pure fiat – and fuels endless advertisements. The more anxiety they pump into you, the more ad revenue they squeeze out.

Think about it: why do stories about war, crime, and economic collapse lead the front page? Why do they harp on pain, fear, and rage? Because it programs you. It’s literally mental conditioning, trapping you in a cycle of groupthink. And once you’re hooked, it numbs your creativity, wipes out any critical thinking, and makes a…

