One Bitcoin Will Always Be Worth One Bitcoin

And everything measured in it will trend to zero.

Embracing Discomfort.
2 min readFeb 29, 2024
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

“One Bitcoin will always be worth one Bitcoin.” Sounds like a loop, right? Bear with me – there’s method in the madness.

Dive into yet another Bitcoin narrative, and let’s strip it down. The chaos of fluctuating prices, the rollercoaster of currency values, the endless comparisons with goods and services – it’s all background noise. Why? Because Bitcoin isn’t just another asset; it’s the metric by which all else is measured.

Think about it. A meter remains a steadfast measure, from the microscopic to the majestic peaks of Everest. In the same vein, Bitcoin transcends its comparisons. It’s the constant, the standard, the immutable scale against which the world will increasingly benchmark value.

You can try to look away, but Bitcoin’s essence is inescapable. Just as you don’t question the fundamentals of a meter, or the kilogram, or even the internet protocols you rely on daily, Bitcoin operates on a plane of rock hard proof-of-work and inherent scarcity.

The mechanics of your fridge might be a mystery, but its utility is undeniable. Similarly, whether you grasp the intricate workings of Bitcoin or not, its function – as a steadfast store of value – is what matters.

