How To Get Lucky.

You get what you deserve. And vice versa.

Embracing Discomfort.
3 min readOct 10, 2024
Photo by Jonathan Petersson on Unsplash

In the long run, you always get what you deserve. Not instantly, not when you think you “should,” but eventually. This isn’t some cosmic karma woo-woo. It’s pure cause and effect. You’re not unlucky, you’re unprepared.

Manifesting Luck is Discipline

Luck isn’t some random lottery that blesses the chosen few. It’s discipline. It’s showing up, again and again, in the right spaces. Being available, having the agility to pivot when shit hits the fan, and the acuity to spot opportunities most miss.

Discipline builds momentum, and momentum creates luck. You think that overnight success story hit the jackpot because the universe smiled on them? Nah. They were grinding behind the scenes while everyone else was binge-watching the latest Netflix garbage. They were positioning themselves to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right mindset.

Short-Term Wins are Noise

Yeah, sometimes it feels like some people are winning when they shouldn’t be. But you know what? That’s noise. Those short-term fluctuations of fortune are nothing but distractions. Life isn’t about how well you’re doing on any given day, it’s about how you trend over time.

