Daily Diary

1st March, 2024

Embracing Discomfort.
1 min readMar 1, 2024
Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

Absolutely torrential outside. Rain spattering our floor-to-ceiling windows. London engulfed in a grim, dreary, unwatchable grey. The Mrs and I peer out through the French windows, sighing and shaking our head in equal measure. It’s bloody March FFS. When’s spring springing?

Had a proper sit down talk with myself yesterday. Regarding work. It’s been a shambles recently, and I have to up my game. There’s a whiff of “work force reductions”, “tricky economy”, “cost cutting” doing the rounds in the office grapevine. Nothing new of course, and frankly, I’ve never cared about anything that’s beyond my control. But what’s really annoying me – Even more so after devouring through half of “The Courage To Be Disliked” last night– that Ilive taken my foot off the throttle for the last couple of months. I should be out there – leading, scheming, talking, disrupting. Instead, I’ve taken it easy, enjoyed the pay check, got distracted and barely gotten outta second gear.

That’s gotta change now.

And what better way to start than the first dreary Friday in March.




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