Daily Diary

20th July, 2024

Photo by Seth Weisfeld on Unsplash

Hungover after a long time. Actually, not so hungover. Just a little off. Long night last night. Met up with a few acquaintances over pints in a gorgeous, sunny, Friday evening. Gossiped, had about 4 pints, got a takeaway, and got into bed just past 1am. All good.

Got most of my todo list done yesterday. Thinking of taking it easy and sleeping in today, might as well. The Mrs is doing alright too, she could do with the rest.

Might do some chores around the house later on as well. And then pick my next book to read, and next side-project to work on.

All things meh otherwise. Not a whole lot else going on. Which is a bit of a change from a hectic year, but hey, I’ll take the humdrum for a day.

Talk soon!



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