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Daily Diary

1st August, 2024

Embracing Discomfort.
2 min readAug 1, 2024
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

August — finally. Feels like we’ve whizzed through the year, innit? Last time I checked we just found out we were pregnant. And now, in a couple of months, we’ll be welcoming a brand new human to this planet. Weird and wonderful.

Sleepwalked through work yesterday. And most likely today too. Going to be lazy and push out all my to-dos until Friday, and do them all in one fell swoop — genius plan that I am almost certain hasn’t been thought of before.

Spend most of the evening Lidl shopping. Filled up the huge Tesla boot with enough rations to feed a small army for a fortnight. Happy days. Then a cheeky Chinese takeaway cause we were too tired to cook & clean, especially with my cousin visiting us for the day.

Then some general gossip and banter amongst us three, and hit the sack just after midnight. Up early today cause I got my first customer through a ride-sharing app for the Tesla. All going well, and assuming my car remains in pristine nick and is treated like royalty by my customers, I should make at least my full car pyament through this side-hustle. Lets see.

Anyway — better hit the road, long day ahead!



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